Financial and Insurance

We strive to provide affordable orthodontic care. We have in-house financing available and offer third party financing through the Orthodontists Fee Plan, for patients who choose to make monthly payments on orthodontic treatment.

Our experienced staff will be glad to file any insurance claims. Discounts are available for patients who pay in full at the time of service.

Payment Plan Options

Pick the plan that best suits your needs.

Plan #1: Upfront Payment

Pay up front and get a 9% discount on your total fee!

Plan #2: Standard

Records and Consult: $450

  • Banding: The largest deposit you can afford to start
  • Monthly: The balance of the cost in Payments spread over 24 months. The Larger the Deposit the smaller the Monthly Payments !

Great Savings Ideas – Frequently Asked Questions

How do I find out about my orthodontic benefits?

Employees are usually given a booklet from the Personnel Department of their employer. Look under orthodontic coverage under Dental Benefits in your Booklet. If you cannot find the information, ask your company's Personnel Department or call the 800 number on your insurance card.

If you have a problem or do not understand something, bring the information with you to our office and our staff will help you.

What is a pre-determination?

A pre-determination is when the orthodontist submits an insurance form to the insurance company asking them about the coverage for the procedure that will be performed by the orthodontist. This is not a guarantee of payment but an estimate of coverage. This will help you in determining your portion of the bill for treatment.

What portion of the initial payment does insurance pay?

Insurance companies usually pay 50 percent of the down payment and monthly charges as they occur, until your maximum lifetime benefit is reached. The insurance company does not pay your lifetime maximum up front.

The company will usually pay only $750 ($1,500 x 50 percent) of the down payment, thus you will need to pay the other 50 percent or $750. The insurance company will continue to pay 50 percent of the bill until your $1000 coverage is expended and the rest of the balance is yours to pay.

Why doesn't my insurance pay more?

Good Question! The purpose of insurance is to cover large bills that bust your budget. If you totaled your car, you would not buy an automobile insurance policy that gave you 25 percent of the cost of your car.

The insurance company should cover at least 75 percent of the cost, but it does not! The only way this will improve is to ask your employer to improve the coverage. If you and others in your company write to your employer and ask for higher coverage, your company will notice.

Whose insurance is primary (filed first) if we have two insurance policies?

The order of filing is determined by which parent’s birth date is first in the calendar year.

Once the first insurance is returned, the second is sent out with the response of the first to the second insurance company.

Does insurance cover Braces ?    Does Dental insurance cover Braces ? 

How are braces billed to Insurance ? 
Our office takes care of all billing to the Insurance companies. 

Unlike most offices who do not take care of all form submissions and payments.!   
How do i know my Insurance coverage? 
What Information is needed to assess coverage?

  1. Dental Insurance name
  2. Dental Insurance Phone Number
  3. Policy Holders Name
  4. Policy Holders Social Security Number
  5. Policy Holders Birthdate
  6. Policy Holders ID Number
  7. Policy Holders Group Number
  8. Policy Holders Employer Company Name
  9. Patient Name
  10. Patient’s Birth date
  11. Patients Zip Code


Will Orthodontic Specialists find the amount of my Coverage ?

Yes !  Just e-mail my Receptionist Carrie at [email protected]

Copy and Paste the above required information list to Carrie with your info filled out.

And we will get the coverage for you or your child.

Aetna Insurance Policy holders Beware !!!
If you have Aetna insurance, you need to know that an Aetna Pedodontist who takes your insurance may send you to an Orthodontist in the same practice who does not take Aetna Insurance.
If this happens, you will be paying up to $2,000 more for Braces.
Most people assume the orthodontist will take your Aetna and only find out after the records are taken and it is too late.

Orthodontic Specialists

  • Hackettstown Office - 111 Mountain Ct #2317 Building A, Hackettstown, NJ 07840 Phone: 908-852-6620 Fax: 908-852-2569

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